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Massage for Scoliosis

Massage therapy has gained attention for its ability to reduce the chronic back pain that is sometimes associated with scoliosis. A combination of massage strokes, sustained pressure, positioning, and stretches to help balance the muscles of the back and body can temporarily alleviate scoliosis symptoms.

While massage therapy for scoliosis cannot fix the underlying cause, medical research has found that it can provide temporary relief from scoliosis pain and other symptoms.

There are two types of massage that are thought to help: cranial-sacral therapy and deep tissue massage. Which type is best for scoliosis will depend on you as an individual and your experience.

  • Cranial-sacral therapy: By gently mobilizing restricted tissue around and within the spinal column, cranial-sacral therapy helps balance the spine and improve the patient’s ability to function

  • Deep tissue massage: Deep tissue work, assisted stretching, and neuromuscular therapy all help the spine relax by increasing blood flow and elongating tightened areas, which can help relieve muscular pain

The application of massage can provide a welcome break for continuously over-stretched fascia and muscles which can lessen the stress on the spinal column. It can also alleviate other

symptoms such as shallow breathing, sciatica, headaches, and insomnia brought on by the distortions in the spinal structure.

Benefits of Massage for Scoliosis Patients

Pain relief is not the only benefit of regular massage therapy. For those suffering with scoliosis, massage offers a host of other beneficial effects that can help improve their daily lives. For example, it can promote:

  • Heightened body awareness. Lack of body awareness can be a major factor in the progression of scoliosis. Massage therapy helps you tune in more deeply to your body, which will allow you to change movement habits that contribute to functional scoliosis.

  • Better sleep. It is often difficult for patients with scoliosis to find a comfortable sleep posture, and many suffer from insomnia as a result. Treatments can improve the patient’s ability to sleep.

  • Enhanced mobility. People often find they have an increased ability to conduct daily activities as a result of massage therapy. The treatment augments the spine’s mobility and balances out the muscles in the back, resulting in greater functionality.

  • Enriched mental health. Massage helps reduce the mind’s activity, freeing up more energy for healing. It also releases tension, which has both psychological and physical effects.

  • Increased circulation. During massage, tense muscles are stretched, allowing blood to flow more freely throughout the body. The boost in circulation helps increase flexibility and support healing in the muscles surrounding the spine.

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